I think this is the shot I like most for now... :-) I've just uploaded a new version because I'd noticed that the shaman should be straigthening up after trying to catch the sword. So the following shots will form the sequence when Surai picks up the blade and sinks it into the shaman's chest.
I've used reference footage to draw Surai's movements in the second shot. I've opened in Photoshop the live-action video I'd previously recorded, then imported the main keyframes into Flash and traced over them. I've deleted some frames to disguise the realistic flow and created the inbetweens. I've drawn the shaman and exported him and Surai in independent files, then combined them in After Effects. Finally, I've added some bluring effects to the shaman.
I still have to add the colouring and background, but I'll do that when I finish the remaining shots. From now on I'll focus on trying to get them done as soon as possible and without the final colouring.
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